Pull Existing REST Submissions with Query doesn't work

We are trying to pull existing data using the query sample, but query= with date always returns nothing. We tried a whole bunch of different formats:

https://kc.kobotoolbox.org/api/v1/data/456322?query={“date”: {“lt$”: “2014-09-29T01:02:03+0000”}}

https://kc.kobotoolbox.org/api/v1/data/456322?query={“date”: {“gt$”: “2014-09-29T01:02:03+0000”}}

If we remove the query value, everything works.


We copied the query from the following page:


What are we doing wrong? Is this feature still supported?

Hi @onesky
Ideally speaking the query should work if the date being referenced is actually named as date in your data based on the reading you had done

query={"date": {"gt$": "2014-09-29T01:02:03+0000"}}'

We however noted that there had been some issues which are clearly discussed in the following forum discussion.


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