Can someone help me in connecting my data to Tableau Public (desktop) software?
Maybe this post discussed previously should help you solve your issue:
Bonjour @Kal_Lam , ce conteneur web ne fonctionne pas. Existe t’il une méthode plus simple de connecter KoboToolbox à Tableau Software ??
It’s only possible through the API that has already been shared in the post.
Thank @Kal_Lam. the problem is the connecteur ( ) does not work. it returns an error message
Maybe you will need to try this out with a publicly hosted server instead of the self-hosted server?
I’m using the kobo humanitarian server, I didn’t self-host it.
This should not be the URL then:
Okay. What is the URL that allows me to have the API of the humanitarian kobo server to connect Tableau software.
Thank you very much @Kal_Lam for your answers.
Maybe these support articles should be helpful for you to solve your issue: