When we try to upload xls form with rank as question type it gives an error :
Import Failed!
Name: Rank_example.xlsxValueError: unknown type [u'rank Q1_list']
My xlsform has following syntax
type name label
rank Q1_list R1 Select Rank
Now coming to your issue, please check out the typo u’rank Q1_list from your xlsform. Would advise you to check out your xlsform with the one i have shared here. GOOD DAY!
You have given the other way around with select one, but i have seen the documentation that there is one question type of rank, so cant we use that widget in kobo toolbox. Kindly confirm.
Please be informed that KoBoToolbox at the moment does not support what you have shown in the image above (this is why you are getting the error message). The only way to handle a rank question at the moment is the one that i shared in my post. However, please be informed that the developers are working to include this within KoBoToolbox.