R Package to download KoboToolbox data

I am glad to announce new R package in CRAN that can be used to download/import/read Kobotoolbox survey results directly in R. In fact, it can be used to create and export and download ‘xsl’ and ‘csv’ data directly.
The package details are available at CRAN is available at the KoboconnectR package page.

At present the capabilities are limited to downloading data, viewing token and creating export only. But you are encouraged to contribute to add more functionalities. Please visit the development version page of KoboconnectR to contribute.

For more details, please read how to download data from kobotoolbox to R.


Welcome back to the community, @scary.scarecrow! Thank you for sharing this wonderful R package that allows users to download/import/read KoboToolbox results directly in R. Thank you also for documenting everything so nicely. We hope the community should also be able to provide you with suggestions upon using your package.

:clap: :heart: :partying_face:


Hi @scary.scarecrow on the second step in getting the asset lists, I get this error:


What could be the challenge. I received the token - Is there process that will use the token?

Hi @nattie . Thanks for downloading and using the package. I’m sorry that you are facing this issues. Will it be possible for you to share the code you are using? Also, please mention what exactly are you trying to achieve. There are some functions in the package using which you can directly download the data. You can also raise an issue here.

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