Records show in summary but not seen in Reports or downloads

Hello Kal_Lam, I have the same problem as in this post. My records are not showing in the table but are present in the summary.

This arrived when i added a cascading question.

Yours sincerely

Hi @Demeveng,

Welcome to the community!

Image 1: Looking at your SUMMARY; yes i see 3 records being recorded.

Image 2: Looking at your DATA>Reports i see no graphs or charts.

Image 3: Looking at your DATA>Table i see 3 records recorded (but all empty).

Image 4: Looking at your xlsform i see that you have not made your questions mandatory.

Maybe this could be one of the reason on why Image 2 and Image 3 seems empty. Would you mind making them mandatory and then see the results again. It should solve your issue.

Making your survey questions mandatory:

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Thanks very much @Kal_Lam

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Can we download summary report?