Redeployment does not reflect my previous submitted forms

i have redeployed my project i mean i added some questions. now these questions dont reflect my submitted forms. i can not see new questions in my previous submitted forms.
could you help me please?

server is kc.humanitarianresponse

@emreozkan90, are you referring to a new data entry form or trying to edit a submission?

trying to edit a submission.

i want to see my new questions that i added to survey in previous submission.

hellooo? this is really super important for us so please can you answer me whats the process what im waiting for ?

Hello @emreozkan90,

I think with the latest update you can only edit submissions with their own version of deployment.

You can see the whole update notes in here:

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Why did they do that ? I have maybe more than 5.000 submission that i have to update according to new version. ? What could they possibly have done by doing this?

Hakan Bey, kusura bakmayın Türkçe yazacağım bu kısmın :slight_smile:
Yani sabahtan beri şu saçmalıkla uğraşıyorum, bi sürü dosyam var yeni soru grubuyla güncellediğim. böyle aptallık olmaz cidden !