Release Notes - May 9, 2018

The deployment on May 9, 2018 will include the following updates and bug fixes on and .


  • Users can copy permissions from one project to another project, without cloning the project’s content.
  • Now, projects can created by importing an XLSForm via URL.
  • Numeric questions are viewable on the map
  • Allow filtering GPS points by clicking on one or more responses within a question and only see GPS points that correspond to these respective selections.
  • Added more unique colors for disaggregation on map view.
  • Projects can now be “Unarchived”
  • Submission edit button for archived projects has been disabled.
  • Show summary screen for archived projects by default.
  • Display the project name when collapsing the full page table view.
  • Added “no search results” message to search
  • Disabled “include question names inside sub-groups”
  • After deleting a collection, user returns to “My Library” list view.
  • A optional checkbox has been added to include “only data from the latest-version-only” to the export options screen.
  • Updated error message when forms have an unnamed translation.
  • In the table view, you can now switch the language on the headings and choice options.
  • From the single submission modal (accessed from the data table view), you can switch the language.

Bug Fixes

Fixes for the following bugs are included in this release:

  • Data of publicly shared projects not accessible
  • Forms without translations not having correct disaggregated reports
  • New users have to refresh manually the page at first login to create their first project
  • After opening an individual record in the data table view, the modal stays open after changing URL
  • Switching between library and forms, and hitting the sharing button for either an asset, a question, a block or a collection, would sometimes load the wrong list of permissions.
  • Reports / exports failing with NameError
  • Mirror KoBoCAT’s Mongo-decoding logic to fix missing data in repeating groups
  • Columns appearing out of order in data exports
  • Certain users with whom a form was shared could not export data
  • After editing a submission in Enketo, 404 error appears
  • Save all attachments when a submission is split.

Community Contributions

We are hard at work to create a more user-friendly environment for code contributions from the community. To give you a better idea of how we would like the requests formatted, we have:

  • Created a contributing md document, and
  • Added an edit or config file

Thanks to Jesaja Everling (jeverling) for the following contribution:

  • Attachments are not displayed in kpi when KOBOCAT_ROOT_URI_PREFIX is used

And Dave R (geomapdev) for the following: