Removing size limit for File Upload?

I want to upload files higher than 10MB using Enekto, how do I remove this limit?

Hi @ks_1, you can have a look at John’s answer here and ensure that your nginx is configured to accept files greater than 10MB:

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Hi @Josh
I know it’s been a while… I have increased the sizes in nginx, but there is a limit in Enketo for the file uploads. Is Enketo fetching that parameter from Kobo? Or do I have to make changes to the Enketo source code for that?

Edit: I saw the Kobocat code for DEFAULT CONTENT_LENGTH here: kobocat/ at 568c7aea243fb73a68e9fc6dca8753146e02935d · kobotoolbox/kobocat · GitHub

I suppose this will have to be changed in code? It would be nice to set this file limit as a question option.