Repeat Group to repeat infinitely till a particualr option in select one question inside the group is selected

Is it possible to Repeat a Group infinitely until a particualr option in select one question inside the group is selected

Is this the structure you are trying to look out at?


Yes, and i want the repeat-count to be dependent on the answer given in the select_one. So if it has options A,B,C, I want the group to repeat if option C is selected and not if option A or B are selected

If this is the case, maybe you will need to put the total number of select_one choices under the repeat_count. For e.g. if you have a total of 5 select_one choices in the question, you could put 5 under the repeat_count. Maybe that should do the job for you.

But that would repeat the group 5 times. I don’t want that. So, what I am trying to achieve is
if I have a select_one inside a repeat group with 3 options A,B,C and if the answer selected is A or B the group repeats but if answers C it exits the repeat group after that.

So an output like
A,B,B,A,A…,C is possible where each one is marked in one instance of the repeat group