Repeating the respondent names in the subsequent sections


Could someone please guide how to repeat the names of the respondents in the subsequent sections, so that we can select the name of the respondent who is answering that particular section.

Thanks in advance.

Could you please clarify the problem? For example, (1) how many respondents are taking the survey (instance, not sample), (2) at the point their name is taken the first time, is it a text entry or a select_one etc. Then we can more clearly assist

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Hai, Thank you for your response.

At the beginning of the survey, I will collect the names of all household members. In subsequent sections, the respondent will vary based on the data requirements. For example, questions on menstrual hygiene will be directed to female respondents, with their names entered at the start of the section, while questions on child health will focus on postnatal mothers. Is it possible to auto-populate the names in the relevant sections?

Note:The names are taken in text format in the HH roster

@sushmadsouza22, is this something you are looking for?