Report for single record or multiple records from data

Dear Developer Team,

Kobotoolbox is excellent tool for researcher, teacher, lecturer, scientific work. I am a new user recommended by my colleagues and I find it extremely useful and convenient. Actually, I want to tick to Kobotoolbox forever. However, to make Kobotoolbox more perfect, could you please add or adjust the following functions to the system?

  1. In the Calculator question, the system allows user to build formulas to calculate base on the parameters from questions and question components in the form and display the component list and allow user to directly add to the formula. For instance: BMI = weight/height squared where weight and height displayed as options to insert into formula.
  2. In the report function, the system allows user to report for single record for selected questions and a number of records based on different information such as submitted day, on specific records and choose layout of the report as a text report with or without graph in different forms such as medical record, study results… or brief time point record/report for certain expected information.
    Thank you!

Welcome to the community, @hungnguyen! Sorry did not get you clear.

Could you list out the issue here?

Same here too. Could you list out the issue here as well?

For example I would like to formulate a calculate question like this
0.56sqrt(${t28}) + 0.28sqrt(${sw28}) + 0.70Ln(${CRP}) + 0.014${GH}
The calculate question is like this
Please see in the Calculate Question Help file attached

where the referred questions are
Please see in the Calculate Question Help file attached
Please see in the Calculate Question Help file attached
Please see in the Calculate Question Help file attached
Please see in the Calculate Question Help file attached

It is difficult for users without advanced knowledge of math to make it. If in the field of calculation formulate, the system allows users to access and select referred questions already built as a list when they can mouse click on REFERRED QUESTIONS button or press enter (the list of questions will be displayed for selecting and inserting, instead of typing them manually into the formulate with exactly remembered name of the question and category)
I try to upload some files to show the problem but I do not know if you can view it. And the system also allows to upload only certain type of file here.
In addition, in the printout/report right after entering into form or from data, it is convenient if the system allow to display only value entered data and selected questions, not all the options from questions, including options without value, as it is now.

Thank you team!