Hi Kal_Lam
How can I view individual response from the multiple submission data in the Kobo?
Hi Kal_Lam
How can I view individual response from the multiple submission data in the Kobo?
Hi, Please can one help me in solving this, “Respondents can’t view the form description when I open the Kobo link”
Hi, Please can one help me in solving this, “Respondents can’t view the form description when I open the Kobo link” can you help on this?
Hi, Please can one help me in solving this, “Respondents can’t view the form description when one open the Kobo link” can you help on this?
@i_4mawi, could you kindly elaborate so that the community should be able to help you out?
I created a form and deployed it. When I view the form it displays well but it doesn’t show the description section.
What could be the solution?
@i_4mawi, could you kindly share with the community a screenshot of what is working well at your end and what is not displaying? Maybe with your screenshot, the community should be able to understand your issue pictorially and help you solve your issue.
Hi @i_4mawi,
You need to create a note
type question and put that information in the note. That description part is not shown it the form.
You can take a look at this help article to learn about how to add note
type questions.
Well thanks, I appreciate.
But I am looking for a solution on the description about the form which should be just after the title of the form.
The only Kobo project setting that is synchronized with the actual form definition is the required Project Name field; if you change this in Kobo (and re-deploy) then this will appear as your form title. However the Kobo project Description, Sector and Country are not directly exposed in the associated form definition; if you wish any of these to appear in your form then it will be necessary to explicitly add some notes
question(s) to display the same text in your form, and you will need to manually synchronize these should you make any changes to them in your Kobo project.
That is not to say it would be impossible for Kobo to automatically insert additional note questions into deployed forms to expose these fields, but that would be a new feature which Kobo does not currently perform [hint: feel free to post something to our Suggestion Box… ].
Thanks for the good feedback. Solved