Restore database (need urgent help)

Guys, I need immediate help. I’m desperate. Please help me to restore the database from backups. I made backups as shown on github.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.frontend.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.override.yml exec kobocat /srv/src/kobocat/docker/backup_media.bash


Then it happened that I installed the server again and need to restore all bases from backups, but koboform base is not restored. It gives these errors.

mongo database restored with the message that files are restored. The kobocat and redis databases did not show any messages when restoring, so it is not known whether they were restored or not.
I restored the databases by entering the containers with these commands

mongorestore -u root -p 12345678 --archive=/srv/backups/mongo-5.0-kobo.local-2024.04.28.16_00.gz --gzip


pg_restore -U kobo -d kobocat -c “/srv/backups/”

pg_restore -U kobo -d koboform -c “/srv/backups/”

gunzip /srv/backups/ && mv /srv/backups/ /data/enketo-main.rdb

Update. All the backups put something in the databases. Since the databases are filled with my information. And the server and web interface even started. Mongo database contains information about projects and completed questionnaires. The kobocat database contains information about users and attachments. It is even possible to log in under all previously created users in kobo. But all users have no projects created by them or shared with them. Maybe someone has encountered this ?

@Rahul, pinging @stephenoduor and @ks_1 for your support.