Robotoolbox release to CRAN

Hi Kal,

I hope you’re doing well.
robootolbox was accepted to CRAN (main R package official package repository) and I wanted to share the information. I just wanted to make sure that it’s ok to share such message and what type of tags should I use for such announcements.

I’m sharing the link to the package

Thanks again for the support,


@dickoa, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: Thank you so much for contributing to the R package. It’s been very helpful for the entire KoboToolbox community using the R.

Feel free to suggest/use an appropriate tag as you are the author/developer for this package. :person_raising_hand:

How to download the files associated with answers, using Robotoolbox R package? I see the functions kobo_file_list()and kobo_file_download(), only in the documentation but not actually as part of the package.

I was able to retrieve dataframe of answers, using the other functions, but three fields are an image, a video and an audio file. In the dataframe I can of course only se the name of the file. I guess it was intented that the kobo_file_download() function could be used for such purposes, but I don’t actually see this function being written/included in the pacakge (when i try to run it, it just says that no such function exists).

Hi @madsR

I hope all is good. I’m trying to work a new release by the end of the year, and you’ll be able to download files. I might be able to have something by the end of next week.
I’ll ping you if you want to test it.



Hi @dickoa. Sounds fantastic. Thanks.

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