I tried several ways to download dataset in Kobotoolbox in combinations of ‘XLS’ and ‘SPSS’. But, I could not find a SPSS dataset having both labels and values. I need your support.
Thanks in advance!
I tried several ways to download dataset in Kobotoolbox in combinations of ‘XLS’ and ‘SPSS’. But, I could not find a SPSS dataset having both labels and values. I need your support.
Thanks in advance!
Welcome back to the community, @aga! This support article Converting Data into SPSS and/or Stata should help you solve your issue.
Hello to the community my name is Sanjeev Mansotra. I hope this answer helps - to import KoboToolbox data into SPSS with labels and values, first export your data from KoboToolbox in XLS format, ensuring “labels” are included in the export settings. Open SPSS, go to File > Open > Data, and select your exported file. Use the Variable View in SPSS to check that labels and values are correctly imported. If needed, adjust the variable properties in SPSS to match your desired structure.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you!