Select multiple answers didn't have commas in XLS

I tried to download the XLS file of the questionnaire results, but I found that the output of multiple-answer questions did not have commas separating one answer from another

Does anyone know how to get the commas separating each answer to appear?

@Kal_Lam can you help me, please?

Welcome @ykarimah,
Do you want to get the labels or the (choice) names?

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I want to get the labels. Do you know something?

Welcome @ykarima,
There is no easy solution as multiple selects are stored internally as selected items separated by one blank.
Why do you need the comma?

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one answer as a string may have 1+ blanks. In this case, you would need to use a entry other than a blank to correctly identify answers. Separating answers by a comma or some other delimiter than a blank is helpful in this case

This is not the right solution.

As it is shown in the screenshot here(Select multiple answers didn't have commas in XLS) there are values which are already having space/one blank between. so how to differentiate the blanks between selected values and within the values?
The export of multiple selected values don’t help in data analysis purpose.

There is an (advanced) export option which will provide one (binary) variable per choice, in addition to the combined string.

Hint: Always pre-test your forms before data collection, please, including data export/import for your analysis requirements.

Right, either way there will be lot of work in order to fetch proper data for multiple selected values.