Select one question and calculation not working in the browser

Good morning,

I have a survey with select one questions associated with images, it works properly in the app, however the options and the images are not showing in the browser, could you please help me to understand why?
many thanks

@salete_carvalho seems like you are trying to add a cascading select question to your form. If this is the case, then please feel free to go through this support article Adding Cascading Select Questions. The article should help you solve your issue.

Previous discussion on the community forum related to cascading selection should also provide you with wider workarounds and contexts.

Hi @Kal_Lam

This is not my question :slight_smile: My form is working perfectly in kobo app, my problem is that this form is not working in the browser, so I would like to understand why it works in the app and not in the browser?

Thanks for your help

@salete_carvalho, would you mind sharing your XLSForm with the community? The community should be able to help you out.

Hello again,

Here my survey. This survey works perfectly in KoboCollect app, however when user try to collect data with the browser the options doesn’t work, as showed in the picture previously …

thanks for your help

Suivi_PPS_2024.xlsx (36.2 KB)

@salete_carvalho, so your issue is not with the cascading select but with the images attached to the choices of these cascading selects? Did I get it correct?

@Kal_Lam exact :slight_smile:

dans l’application:

dans le browser:

@salete_carvalho, just to check would you mind removing the choice filter to see if that displays the images with the choice options? I assume this is the issue.

@Kal_Lam sorry i didn’t understand your suggestion, there is no choice filter in the image, which filter do you suggest to remove?

Many thanks

@salete_carvalho, kindly please check row numbers 12 and 13 from your survey tab which holds the cascading select options.

Good morning @Kal_Lam

I’ve checked and I assume that everything works well with the cascading options and with the calculation, this one is the result of the last cascade question. If I remove the last cascade choice I’ll have all my objects, however still not have the images in the browser.

Basically, i want to understand why this xls form works perfecly in the app Kobotoolbox and not in the browser? Even if I remove the image, the third cascade question doesn’t show the options in the browser.

Many thanks for your time ans patiente

@salete_carvalho, what I meant here was that would you mind removing the cascading select option from row numbers 12 and 13 to see how it behaves? Let me know how it behaves then.

if i removing these two questions I get this message when trying to preview the form:
There has been a problem trying to replace ${numeroobjetpartiel} with the XPath to the survey element named ‘numeroobjetpartiel’. There is no survey element with this name.

I deleted all the questions related with this element survey and i still get:

the last cascade question (numeroobjetpartiel) is very important as a choice filter to many questions in the survey (pull data/ select from file)

thanks for your time

@salete_carvalho, when you remove certain questions you will also need to be careful with the expressions you use linking to the name of the questions you removed. E.g.

If you remove Q1 (row 2) from the above screenshot then the system will flag an issue as you have an expression in D3 and E3 that is linked with Q1 (row 2).

Hi @Kal_Lam,

i’m back to this point :slight_smile: Imade some changes in the form and it pass the form validator, however i’m not able to deploy the form, i’m getting always the same erreur:

Votre formulaire ne peut pas être affiché, car il contient des erreurs :
Expecting value: line 4 column 1 (char 3)

here is my form, could you please take a look?
Suivi_PPS_2024_teste_Novembre.xlsx (39.8 KB)

many thanks for your help