Select one with value


I am working with a select_one question with the choices ‘yes’ and ‘no’. I have given these options the values ‘1’ and ‘0’ to calculate with and to know how many times people answer yes or no.
However, sometimes the question is not applicable, so I added the option ‘na’. How, can I make sure that when that option is selected it does not mess up my calculations afterwards that use the ones and zeros.

Kindly help!

Hi @hesterbrinkers does answering as N/A has a difference than answering “no” in your calculation method?

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hi, I actually want n/a to be the same value as ‘yes’, because I am calculating if there are any ‘no’s’ in all the questions. and ‘yes’ is value ‘0’.

I basically needs this calculation to be embedded or used for the others. but I don’t know how.
if(selected(${yes_no}, ‘na’) or selected(${yes_no}, ‘yes’), ‘0’, ‘1’)