Server doesn't restart after upgrade to last version

Hi, I just upgraded kobo-docker using kobo-install.
I don’t really know which was the previous version, I used latest kobo-install on 10-Jan-2020.

So following the steps:

cd kobo-install
git fetch --tags
git checkout 2.020.25
python3 --update

Everything seems to work smoothly, simply giving same answer as before to each question.
Until I reach last step…

Do you want to (re)start containers?
        1) Yes
        2) No
Removing network iplkobo-kobomaintenance_kobo-maintenance-network
WARNING: Network iplkobo-kobomaintenance_kobo-maintenance-network not found.
Network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network is external, skipping
Removing network iplkobo-kobofe_kobo-fe-network
WARNING: Network iplkobo-kobofe_kobo-fe-network not found.
Removing network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network
WARNING: Network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network not found.
Launching environment
Creating network "iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network" with driver "bridge"
Pulling postgres (postgis/postgis:9.5-2.5)...
Creating iplkobo-kobobe_postgres_1    ... error
Creating iplkobo-kobobe_redis_cache_1 ...
Creating iplkobo-kobobe_redis_main_1  ...
Creating iplkobo-kobobe_mongo_1       ...

Creating iplkobo-kobobe_redis_main_1  ... error                                                                                                                                                                                              faces: operation not supported
Creating iplkobo-kobobe_redis_cache_1 ... error
ERROR: for iplkobo-kobobe_redis_main_1  Cannot start service redis_main: failed to create endpoint iplkobo-kobobe_redis_main_1 on network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network: failed to add the host (veth59cfbf9) <=> sandbox (veth467075e) pair interfaces: operation not supported

ERROR: for iplkobo-kobobe_redis_cache_1  Cannot start service redis_cache: failed to create endpoint iplkobo-kobobe_redis_cache_1 on network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network: failed to add the host (veth0859b5f) <=> sandbox (vethfe5e2d9) pCreating iplkobo-kobobe_mongo_1       ... error

ERROR: for iplkobo-kobobe_mongo_1  Cannot start service mongo: failed to create endpoint iplkobo-kobobe_mongo_1 on network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network: failed to add the host (veth5f1fe21) <=> sandbox (veth1029134) pair interfaces: operation not supported

ERROR: for mongo  Cannot start service mongo: failed to create endpoint iplkobo-kobobe_mongo_1 on network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network: failed to add the host (veth5f1fe21) <=> sandbox (veth1029134) pair interfaces: operation not supported

ERROR: for redis_main  Cannot start service redis_main: failed to create endpoint iplkobo-kobobe_redis_main_1 on network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network: failed to add the host (veth59cfbf9) <=> sandbox (veth467075e) pair interfaces: operation not supported

ERROR: for postgres  Cannot start service postgres: failed to create endpoint iplkobo-kobobe_postgres_1 on network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network: failed to add the host (veth0a7b271) <=> sandbox (veth4c2088f) pair interfaces: operation not supported

ERROR: for redis_cache  Cannot start service redis_cache: failed to create endpoint iplkobo-kobobe_redis_cache_1 on network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network: failed to add the host (veth0859b5f) <=> sandbox (vethfe5e2d9) pair interfaces: operation not supported
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
9.5-2.5: Pulling from postgis/postgis
Digest: sha256:43a31ec481be4a8f3b01235e684c48099f5716d01db5f74a747400a9b116f3b3
Status: Downloaded newer image for postgis/postgis:9.5-2.5
An error has occurred

When I was expectiong to be asked about Upgrading from single-database setup to separate databases for KPI and KoBoCAT

If anyone has an explanation or an advice, I’ll appreciate.
Previously it was still python 2.7, hopefully using python 3 shouldn’t be the issue.
I’m running Alpine, latest version, all packages up to date.


try to reboot the machine and try to run python3 run.,py --setup again

1 Like

Hey, thanks for your answer.
Since I have a deadline for Friday, I didn’t wait for your answer to try things.
So basically I just restored the VM’s backup and restart the upgrade procedure from scratch.
While I did nothing differently, it worked this time:

Do you want to (re)start containers?
        1) Yes
        2) No
Removing network iplkobo-kobomaintenance_kobo-maintenance-network
WARNING: Network iplkobo-kobomaintenance_kobo-maintenance-network not found.
Network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network is external, skipping
Removing network iplkobo-kobofe_kobo-fe-network
WARNING: Network iplkobo-kobofe_kobo-fe-network not found.
Removing network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network
WARNING: Network iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network not found.
Launching environment
Creating network "iplkobo-kobobe_kobo-be-network" with driver "bridge"
Pulling postgres (postgis/postgis:9.5-2.5)...
Creating iplkobo-kobobe_redis_cache_1 ... done
Creating iplkobo-kobobe_postgres_1    ... done
Creating iplkobo-kobobe_mongo_1       ... done
Creating iplkobo-kobobe_redis_main_1  ... done
Waiting for PostgreSQL database to be up & running...
Creating network "iplkobo-kobofe_kobo-fe-network" with driver "bridge"
Pulling kpi (kobotoolbox/kpi:2.020.25)...
The PostgreSQL database is running!
Upgrading from single-database setup to separate databases for KPI and KoBoCAT
║ Upgrading to separate databases is required to run the       ║
║ latest release of KoBoToolbox, but it may be a slow process  ║
║ if you have a lot of data. Expect at least one minute of     ║
║ downtime for every 1,500 KPI assets. Assets are surveys and  ║
║ library items: questions, blocks, and templates.             ║
║ Survey *submissions* are not involved.                       ║
║                                                              ║
║ To postpone this process, downgrade to the last              ║
║ single-database release by stopping this script and          ║
║ executing the following commands:                            ║
║                                                              ║
║      python3 --stop                                   ║
║      git fetch                                               ║
║      git checkout shared-database-obsolete                   ║
║      python3 --update                                 ║
║      python3 --setup                                  ║
║                                                              ║
For help, visit
Do you want to proceed?
        1) Yes
        2) No
[2]: 1 
Safety check: the target database `koboform` does not exist yet (OK)
Safety check: the last applied KPI migration matches what we expected (OK)
Creating `koboform` with PostGIS extensions...
You are now connected to database "koboform" as user "kobo".


We are now copying KPI tables from `kobotoolbox` to `koboform`.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The database upgrade finished successfully! Thanks for using KoBoToolbox.
Pulling nginx (nginx:1.19)...
Pulling kobocat (kobotoolbox/kobocat:2.020.25)...
Pulling enketo_express (kobotoolbox/enketo-express-extra-widgets:2.3.5)...
Creating iplkobo-kobofe_kobocat_1        ... done
Creating iplkobo-kobofe_nginx_1          ... done
Creating iplkobo-kobofe_enketo_express_1 ... done
Creating iplkobo-kobofe_kpi_1            ... done
Waiting for environment to be ready. It can take a few minutes.
║ Ready                             ║
║ URL: https://xxx/                 ║
║ User: xxxx                        ║
║ Password: xxxx                    ║

I fill stupid to not even tried to just restart the machine and rushed for support.
Thanks for your help anyway.


no problem