Setting a default video app while collecting data


I collect a videos as part of my form. I use Enketo Forms to collect data on android phones. I am trying to reduce video file size by using an alternative video app (Cinema fv-5 lite). Does anyone have advice on how to set a default video app in the enketo form? i.e. when my participants click on video submission, they should have the option to choose either the default android video/camera app, or the Cinema fv-5 lite app.

Thank you in advance.

Kimberly Noronha

@knoronha, you should also be able to reduce the video quality by configuring the app’s settings under:

Settings>Form management>Form filling>High res video

Maybe this approach should be more straightforward for you.

Hi @Kal_Lam, thank you for the suggestion. We are trying this out in the field and will get back to you if there are any further problems.

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