Sheet history broken display in the new website UI


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Have a long history of survey sheet deployment (in this case, 88 versions.
  2. In the “Sheet” tab, click on history.
  3. Scroll down to find Data collection options and “Copy” and “Open” buttons floating in the middle of the history.

Expected behavior

I don’t know exactly how it should be handled and displayed, but most likely not like this.

Actual behaviour

The content of two functionally different panels are mixed.

Additional details

Happened on Firefox 77.0.1 (spoofing the user-agent as being Chrome 83.0.4086.0)

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Hi @freedim,

Thank you for flagging this issue. Also kindly please be informed that the issue has already been fixed and will be released soon.

For more, you could also follow the announcement that is happening soon:

Have a great day!