Showing a specific question on Map

Please I need your support

each specific GPS point need to show specific name which is inside form

Many thanks

Hi @MohammedNamat,

You could use the Disaggregate by survey responses and label some points with the aid of a legend as instructed in the image below:

Have a great day!

Thank you so much

When in print the map I need the name on the point to be visible

Hi @MohammedNamat,

Could you kindly show a sample of how it would look like?

Have a great day!

Hi @Kal_Lam

Like this I did by paint

I have a question contain house number and each house has specific GPS I need to show them all on one map

Hi @MohammedNamat,

Unfortunately KoBoToolbox at the moment does not support this feature. Maybe you could create a features improvement request here so that when funding available KoBoToolbox could work on the same.

Have a great day!

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