Signature not received on server

Hello everyone,

We need your assistance and hope you can help us find a solution.

We have a form on Enketo that includes a virtual attendance list with a signature field. The form is completed using mobile browsers on Android or iOS devices. The issue occurs intermittently when users submit the form — all the data is received on the server, except for the signature.

We would appreciate any insights or solutions you might have.

I attach some example images

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Welcome to the community, @Pcc! Are all the signatures missed on the server or is it that only few of them have been missing?

Hello @Kal_Lam and @Pcc

I am experiencing the same issue.

My Kobo Enketo Form consists of 2 signatures field group on the same page and some of the signature is missing.

I hope to get some advice or resolution to this soon.

Kind regards,

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Same issue here, it’s been 2 years we notified Kobo about this issue and been told it’s a known issue that isn’t prioritized.
No trust in the Signature question on our side