Skip logic after text input how to auto load next question

I’ve have skip working the way I want, however, if I have a text response and the next question is dependent on it, how can I auto load the next question? Is it possible to just load when an entry is made in the original question? A select response type entry will automatically load the next question, but a text response does not.
In the form, if I click the screen anywhere it loads or if I use enter, it loads and jumps to the end of the next question, but neither option is user friendly.

type name label relevant
text keydemand1 What product is of high demand (quantity) for your business? [1 of 5]
select_multiple month demandmonth1 Which months during the year is ${keydemand1} in most demand?
text keydemand2 What product is of high demand (quantity) for your business? [2 of 5] ${keydemand1}!=‘’
select_multiple month demandmonth2 Which months during the year is ${keydemand2} in most demand? ${keydemand1}!=‘’
text keydemand3 What productis of high demand (quantity) for your business? [3 of 5] ${keydemand2}!=‘’
select_multiple month demandmonth3 Which months during the year is ${keydemand3} in most demand? ${keydemand2}!=‘’

Welcome to the community, @Ag4T! Would you also mind sharing with the community a dummy question, its choices, and the condition where you wish to skip it based on text input? Maybe having these details, the community should be able to help you.