Hi, I have a rating question of which the last element in the question is “Other income source”. The rating scale from 1 to 5.
I then have another question to ask the respondent to specify the income source. But I only want it to be asked if “other” was given a rating of 2 or more.
The project updates successfully, but then I get an error when I try to preview it: There has been a problem trying to replace ${undefined} with the XPath to the survey element named ‘undefined’. There is no survey element with this name.
Thanks for the reply. The article does not solve my problem. I know how to add skip logic but in this particular case it is not working. Can you have a skip logic that refers to a question in a rating matrix? And if so, how should the “response” be referred to?
last element in the question is “Other income source”. The rating scale from 1 to 5.
is this question a Select One, or a Number type question, or a Range type question, …? Perhaps if you post your actual (simple?) form it’d help determine what the necessary relevant expression should be.
The question I am trying to refer to in the skip logic is a rating question. One of the rows is “Other” and I want to use the next question (text) to specify the “other” but only when certain responses were selected in the rating question.
You could design the same in the Form Builder UI as follows:
Step 1: Create the variable where the label for Q1 would be Q1. How likely is it that you would recommend this fruit to a friend or colleague?. Similarly, create Other with the label Other please comment.