Skip logic : is it possible to make the condition dependent on the answer in a rating question?

@sdalle, you could design the same as outlined in the xlsform as shown below:

You could design the same in the survey tab of your xlsform as follows:

Reference xlsform:

Skip in a rating scale.xlsx (10.2 KB)

You could design the same in the Form Builder UI as follows:

Step 1: Create the variable where the label for Q1 would be Q1. How likely is it that you would recommend this fruit to a friend or colleague?. Similarly, create Other with the label Other please comment.

Step 2: Then click the MANUALLY ENTER YOUR SKIP LOGIC IN XLSFORM CODE as shown in the image above in the second question under the Skip Logic.

Step 3: Then you will need to type in the code ${Q1} >= 2 as shown in the image below:

Step 4: You can now SAVE and DEPLOY.

Data entry as seen in Enketo: (when a condition is not met)

Data entry as seen in Enketo: (when a condition is met)

For details, you could also go through our support article Adding Skip Logic and User-Specified “Other” Responses for Multiple-Choice Questions.

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