Spacing in between question and hint

Hi everyone,

This is a simple request and I would be really glad for some advice.

My questions and the associated hints look bunched up together in Enketo.

See screenshot below:


Is there a way of creating additional spaces between the questions and the hints? I tried adding some additional space/line breaks within the xls form but that doesn’t seem to help!

Thanks everyone!

Hi @kabira_namit,

You can’t adjust the space between a question and the hint. The only thing you can do is create another field “note” and put the question in blank : that’s not a very good practice but if it’s necessary … be careful to put the two field in the same page of your survey if you use ODK or KOBO Collect or you will have the hint separate from the question.

All the best,

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I sometimes use Diferent styling to make them nicer…
Example if you write #* before and after the text…it tomes in larger size and bold…then you can make it in different coulours, coursive…
And so on…

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Thank you, Chloé and Iker for suggesting great workarounds! I really appreciate it!

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Hi @kabira_namit, cc: @chloelaborde, cc: @iker.montes,

Would like to inform you that this improvement suggestion is fixed now and you should be able to see a beautifully aligned space between the question and the hint as shown in the image below:

Thank you once again for making this improvement suggestion. Expecting the same in the upcoming days as well.

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How is this done?