Ive been trying to edit a submission but keep getting the error: Start tag expected, '<' not found. Its the first time I`ve received this, as with other questionnaires it has been able to edit the submissions.
You can download the data to Excel and have a look at this submission. You might find a “/<…>” in a text field (or a calculate field or a column name), without a preceeding <…>. Or something like " /…>
I`ve made the form with form builder, should it then not automatically be putting the start tag? (Assuming that you are now referring to <…> being the label name but not the response of the participant?
Would you mind to download the submitted data and check this case, please.
Could you also download the form as XLSForm (from project form page / … menu) and check it with the online validator, pleade??
Hi @Kal_Lam, would it be possible to change my error by using the Form Building option instead of through XLSForm? I have been trying to change the error given by the online validator but it doesn`t solve the problem.
@Sarah23, yes, you could always make changes directly through the formbuilder. But as you will need to validate it repeatedly through the online validator, maybe the easiest part would be to make changes to the XLSFormn and then upload/replace the XLSForm (the final version) and redeploy it.
Thank you for referring me here @Kal_Lam . I have a similar issue but i have downloaded the xls form to check on the online validator to test but it says “The survey sheet is either empty or missing important column headers”, is there something I am supposed to do while using the online validator?.