Strengh-lengh with other constraint

Hello Dear Community member

Can someone explain why my contraints (in the capture below) don’t match

Best regards !

@niang_wv, could you kindly explain what you wish to achieve so that the community can help you troubleshoot?

We need to register participants in a training course without tiring the interviewers, so we use the household code and the ID of participants (because this information is in a database which we can use to find out about the participants and get other details about them).
The household code must be greater than 0 and must not exceed 5 digits.
The ID must be greater than the household code and must not itself exceed 6 digits.
I’ve corrected the spelling of the stringh-lenth as you can see in the screenshot below, but it still doesn’t work.

let me know if it remains ambiguous

Hint: Why do you use string-length() - see ODK XForms Specification, please? You use integer types, so max 5 digits will be: . > 0 and .<= 99999.

Always check your form during development and before deployment with the Online validator, please.

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