Submission failing due to a fetch failed error

Hi Everyone,
I am somehow new to Kobocollect, however I have created a few forms that have worked successfully. However recently I created a form, validated it and there was no error. I shared the form with an Online-only (once per respondent) format. For the last few days, the form has giving failed to fetch error when people want to submit their data. Please help me understand what the problem is so that people may be able to submit their data.

@KEPSA, could you also share a screenshot of your error message so that the community should be able to understand your issue pictorially? BTW, did you also validate your XLSForm through this online validator?

failed to fetch error screenshot

Here is the screenshot.
Some people Are not encountering the errors while others are unable to submit due to this error.

@KEPSA, seems like your team is collecting data through the web-form. If this is the case, would you mind let your enumerator (collecting data) to update/upgrade the browser he/she is using to collect data to it’s latest version. Please also request him/her to use modern browsers like the Chrome, Firefox, Edge for the best data collection performance.