Submission Faliure

Hi All.

I received this error across all of my forms on my account, which previously worked fine:

Errors occured during loading and after that during submission time.

Please contact with the link to this page and the error message below:

Failed to execute ‘insertAdjacentHTML’ on ‘Element’: The provided markup is invalid XML, and therefore cannot be inserted into an XML document.

@rahmat, are you using Enketo to collect your data? Could you also let us know the server you are using? Please also share with the community a screenshot of your issue so that we could understand your issue pictorially and then help you troubleshoot.

Dear @Kal_Lam
Here is the screenshot and yes it does not work on both Enketo also “Online-Offline”.

We use eu.kobotoolbox, previously humanitarianresponse one.