Dear Kobo Community,
I am managing a data collection through the kobocollect app. 3 agents report having sent forms but I did not receive them. They shared screenshots and the forms were indeed sent. The server settings are correct because i did receive submissions of other forms from the same agents and from the same tablet devices… How should I proceed?
Many thanks
@federico_cammelli, what is the tentative number of submissions you assume are missing? Could you also let us know the server you are using?
So far I know for one only specific user, it should be around 50
Problem solved,
the form had been erroneously used to update another project. The issue was corrected 5 minutes later. However during that time lag one agent updated the form, and the data went to the wrong database.
Sorry to disturb!
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@federico_cammelli, thank you for sharing the solution with the entire community!