We are using the KoboCollect app. A few of our interviewers’ data were not in the Kobo database although they have submitted their finalized forms. I have attached the screenshot below.
If any data hasn’t been submitted successfully, then as I understand it should remain red along with an error message which wasn’t the case here. Could anyone make suggestions as to why this might be occurring and how to avoid this in the future?
Thank you for looking into this for us. The missing data was indeed for those study IDs, however, the ones you identified in your screenshot were collected on 12/07/2020 but the missing ones are from 28/07/2020. We are collecting data from the same participants on multiple occasions so their study IDs will appear in the data set multiple times, but the ones submitted on the date shown in my original screenshot (28/07/2020), have not appeared in the data set. The three IDs we are having issues with are 11482403, 11484201 and 12340901 (all submitted on 28 or 29th July).
Could you let us know how to resolve this issue? We are concerned that we are losing data.
I am re-poting to this post rather than starting a new one. Previously you looked into this issue where our enumerators have submitted a form to the server but for some reason it never synced with the server. There are 6 Study IDs that cannot be viewed on the server, however they are in the enumerator’s ‘view sent forms’ section of the kobo collect app.
Yes @cp622 i have received the required information through the private message. I was with your case and have a query on the same:
Looking at the screenshot you have shared, it’s difficult to identify the missing _id as the forms that is seen in the android app is just a file name saved by the system. Could you provide us the _id so that we could track it down.
Many thanks for your reply, is it the form ID itself? I think this is the form ID vRzJV7cyAMh7DD9GsaKTtF I retireved this from the downloaded XLS form in the settings sheet
@cp622, i am referring to the _id which looks something like this:
The screenshot you have shared above seems to be the submission name (that you generally see) while saving a completed interview in your Collect android app.
Well because the entries I am referring to are not in the database, stored on the dashboard, I cannot give you _id.
The forms were sent from the enumerators device but never appeared on the server. My previous screenshots show that the enumerators device shows these forms have been submitted (view sent forms on kobo collect app).
Can you identify where they might have gone?
Do the enumerators need to re-enter these questionnaires and re-submit them?
Hi @Kal_Lam
Yes that’s great but please note the the first instance of that StudyID has an interview_date of 2020-12-17 whereas I am expecting a further entry on 2020-12-31 which is not on the server.
The enumerator has proved they uploaded it but it is not on server. What could have happened?