The data server for your form or the enketo server is down. please try again later or contact

Sorry Sorry, I’m the admin of the account and/or Project.

Thanks. Regards

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@nrcmeteam, would you mind sharing with me the following information through a private message so that I could have a closer look at your case:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Note: You could share with me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously:

Counselling and Legal Assistance Form

@nrcmeteam, is this an issue with only a single submission or is it an issue with all the submission from the specified project?

All the submission from a specified project.

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@nrcmeteam, I am trying to troubleshoot. For this please be informed that I have made a dummy submission with the beneficiary name Sample Test in your survey project Counselling and Legal Assistance Form with the _id as 337612857. Please ignore this when later on (when the issue is resolved).

@nrcmeteam, I was able to edit the _id form number 337612857 and then submit it to the server.



Maybe as a quick check would you mind trying to edit the same?

FYI, I tried this with the Chrome browser.

Hello Kal_Lam,

I’m sorry to inform you that I’m unable to do that. Same message shows me again. Please see the attached photo.

@nrcmeteam, did you try making a new entry and then again editing the same one that you recently submitted to see if the works?

Yes I did.
But the same pop-up message shows me like SS that I give you in this email chain.


Hello all,

Do we have any update on the issue? I have the same error with some of the submissions

Thank you!!

I am having the same issue. I have created project and shared with my team (each team is restricted to view, add and edit the form submitted by respective id). One of the team member is having issue while updating the information.

Looking forward for the support as usual.

Thank you


I have the same problem when editing a completed form. Throws a 500 error.


@Kal_Lam , any updates on the issue. We are still facing the same issue

Any updates on this issue?
We face same issue but weirdly it doesnt happen with all users.

Welcome to the community, @DDD_MEL! Could you also share with us a screenshot of your issue so that we should be able to understand your issue pictorially? Please also let us know the server you are using. This should help us troubleshoot your issue.

Hello @Kal_Lam
We use the humanitarian server and get the same error as pasted above.


@DDD_MEL I duplicated one of the data (having this error) and edited in the new one and deleted the original one. This resolved the issue for me. I am not sure about the logic, but worth a try!
all the best.

Hello Amritshakya, how do you duplicate a record in kobo - within the table feature, i only see validatiod, deletion and edit features.

Thanks a lot

Hi @DDD_MEL , owner of the project can duplicate the data

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