The Delete button in the data table disappeared over the weekend

The Delete button in the data table disappeared over the weekend. I don’t see it mentioned in the notes here, but wondering if it accidentally got removed in this release?


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Hi @mike.destaubin! I just checked with this in both the public servers and found them in its place. FYR:

Maybe try cleaning the cache of your browser to see if that helps. Feel free to reach us back if it persists. I could have a look at your account then.

Apologies, I believe this may be a permissions related issue then. I see the Delete button in other projects I am the owner of, but not for one that is shared with me.

I think it may still be related to the work done on Permission settings in the new release though, because my account had the option to delete the form before the release but not after and no permission setting changed.

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Thank you, @mike.destaubin! Will also check with the permission settings.

I’m struggling to reproduce this. I tried all of the following and was always able to see the delete button:

  • Granting “Manage project”, which implies delete permission
  • Granting “Delete submissions”
  • Granting “Delete submissions only from specific users”

Perhaps @Kal_Lam can find the time to log into your account (and the account that owns the form) and identify what is different for you. I’ll let you two coordinate that over private message.

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@mike.destaubin, I, too, made a quick check and found out that the DELETE button is still present even with these minimal settings:

So here is the DELETE button visible:

Maybe try removing the sharing and re-share it again to see if that helps. Let us know what happens so that we can further investigate.