The formula will start with “IF” (If respondents said “no answer’ >> the result is no answer

Hi Mr.

I want to ask you if you can help me with one formula, I can’t coding it

The formula will start with “IF” (If respondents said “no answer’ >> the result is no answer
if the respondents said “yes” or " Mostly yes” >> “Count” Text will appear
If selected other choices >>> we will have “Don’t count”

Syntac is: if(expression, then, else ).
Returns then if expression evaluates to True. Otherwise, returns else.

You can build “cascading” if structures by replacing the else with a following if, e.g.
if( ${refVar} = ‘1’ or ${refVar}‘2’, “low”, if(${refVar} = ‘3’, “medium”, if( ${refVar} > ‘3’, “high”, “”)) ).

Take care that the brackets are balanced and provide for an empty value. In the example ${refVar} is empty/missing, the result would be an “” empty value (last else).

You may also combine multiple variables, e.g.
if( ${var01} != ‘a’ and ${var02} < ‘9’, true(), false() ).
Or with same result:
if( ${var01} != ‘a’, true(), false() ) and ( if(${var02} < ‘9’, true(), false() ).


@wroos, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: