TP_QA_tool_v2.xlsx (25.7 KB)
Hi everyone,
we have encountered a small problem with the form attached. Basically, the tool works so that you select a ‘category’ of questions (select_one) and relevant questions appear, then based on the question you select (also select_one) a note with the answer appears. The issue is that you can go back to the ‘category’ questions and select another category, without unselecting the question selected which means that the note with the answer for the initial question selected remains visible and this is a little confusing.
Anyone know what might be the problem and how to fix it?
Thank you!
Welcome back to the community, @NataliaCucu! Could you also share a screenshot of your issue so that the community could also understand your issue pictorially?
I am not sure a screenshot will explain, but here is the link to the form: Enketo Express for KoboToolbox
Try going back on forth on selecting different categories and questions and you will notice that instead of re-setting, the answer from previous question still remains displayed. Thank you in advance
@NataliaCucu, I tried this with Chrome
and had no issues. FYR:
And this one too …
I assume it’s because of your browser. Try switching to some modern browser (like Chrome
, Firefox
, Edge`, etc.), and the problem should go by itself.