Welcome to the community @cvidondo! Would you mind sharing with us your username and the project name through a private message so that we could have a closer look at it. Kindly please provide both the project name that displays data as well as that does not display data that you have reported.
I looked at all of your projects and could see that they were within the repeat group. FYI, information from the repeat group does not show up in the custom report as the data structure of the same is quite different from the normal data structure.
If you look at the project named1_Retrieval ( Rescate) you will see the following where you only have a small set of questions with the repeat group (highlighted in orange) while a large set of the questions are within groups:
Thank very much. I was confused, because i found a repeat in all the forms. And i can´t understand why the first, with a repeat works rigth and the other fails.