Translations not importing at all

I have three languages which was translated in the XLS file. I’ve been over the XLS file numerous times and everything with the translations is fine. However when I upload the XLS it strips 2 of the translations and only keeps the default “English”. I ran the XLS through the ODK validator and only receive the following messages:

Language ‘English (en)’ is missing the survey constraint_message column.
Language ‘default’ is missing the survey columns hint, label.

Both these messages is not correct because I have English under the constains column as: constraint_message::English (en)

The defaul language is set in the “Setting” sheet of the XLS as:

English (en)

Please asssit.

Hello @dewaldvn
Try using constraint_message::English
Put same in settings also.

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Can you, please, share a related extract of your form (in XLSForm format, esp. including all column titles)?

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It seems that you have not provided complete and identical columns for ALL rextual elements for your 3 ::languages (2-letter-code), e.g. constraint_message, labels, hint, Incl. survey, choices (and settings).

See, please: Adding Another Language to your XLSForm — KoboToolbox documentation. Also, make sure, please, to use the standard column names, e.g. constraint_message (NOT …_msg). See ODK XLSForm Template - Releases - ODK Forum.


@dewaldvn, this support article Adding Another Language in the Project Dashboard should also be helpful!

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Hi @wroos

Herewith a link to the extract as requested of all sheets

You will see on the “setting” sheet: that is the only information there.


I added the following column to the “setting” sheet: “form_title” with the name of my project. I uploaded the XLS as a new project and now the translation works 100%. Thanks for all the advice.