Unable to delete project


I tried to delete the project, but show an error message: Unable to delete assets! Error details: 504 Gateway Time-out.



Hi @greatsource,

Welcome to the community! Would you mind providing us your user name and the project name you wish to delete in a private message so that we could have a look at our end.

Have a great day!

Hi @greatsource,

Kindly please have a look at your account now. I have deleted the project that you have requested over through the private message.

Have a great day!


Thanks a lot!!.

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Hi @Kal_Lam
What was the issue? it seems it was a connectivity issue on his side? We may need to mention since that way we can have them action this on their end in the future

Hello @Kal_Lam,

I am having the same issue right now. will private message you my details please.

Thank you

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Hi @sam_ichssa,

Welcome to the community! Kindly please be informed that i have sent you a private message. You could send me your details there.

Have a great day!