Unable to deploy error 400


I was editing my form as usual and made some new changes but now I am unable to deploy the new version. Whenever I try to deploy the form, the error box says:

your form cannot be deployed because it contains errors:

Unexpected KoBoCAT error 400: b’{“detail”:"The name column for the ‘mc65i27’ choice list contains these duplicates: ‘other’. Duplicate names will be impossible to identify in analysis unless a previous value in a cascading select differentiates them. If this is intentional, you can set the allow_choice_duplicates setting to ‘yes’. Learn more: XLSForm.org}’

Please, help me in identifying location mc65i27 and solve this error

Thanks in advance

Welcome to the community, @alihaider414! Seems like you have duplicates in your choices tab. Maybe you could validate your xlsform through this online validator to identify syntax issues from your xlsform.

To learn more on how to handle duplicates in your xlsform, please feel free to go through this post discussed previously:

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Thank you so much, my issue is resolved

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