I am trying to deploy my created form but I am unable to do due to a server error which says server error (500). (below is the image of the error)
can anyone please help?
The error message is due to the syntax error within your survey form. If you still face the issue please feel free to inbox me your user name in a private message. I would try to fix it out for you.
Hello @Kal_Lam,
So the form I am trying to deploy is named as ‘Wayatafakkaroon - Phase 5 (with Validation)’
the currently deployed form has a different data validation code in the second question (ITS ID).
Please help me through this.
Hello @Kal_Lam - I am also having this problem. I think it may be because I added a geotag - the point question. After doing so, I was unable to deploy. I’m building directly on the kobotoolbox.org site - not using an Excel.
Even after removing the geo tag, now my form will not load. Any ideas?
Welcome to the community, @mohcczimbabwe! Do you still have the issue? If yes, could you let us know the server you are using? This should be helpful in troubleshooting!
Welcome to the community, @agro_phalombe24_me! Have you validated your XLSForm through this online validator? The online validator should help you identify syntax issues if any present that is affecting your deployment.