Unable to deploy please check your connection and try again

I am trying to deploy a form but a message pops up “Unable to deploy please check your connection and try again.” I have tried logging out, tried using different accounts, tried deploying other forms, nothing works. Please help

Welcome to the community @rakesh_kumar! Would you also mind sharing your xlsform with the community as a reference so that the community would help you solve your issue.


MissionGaurav-SampleSurveyTool-18Jan.2021.xlsx (3.6 MB)

Please help. This is the XLForm that I have been trying to deploy. Thanks

It seems that you have roughly around 8000 choices in your choices tab. In such a condition, the loading seems to be a problem. Hence to overcome this issue you could redesign your xlsform using the select_one_from_file or select_multiple_from_file as outlined in the support article Select One or Many From External File Question Type.