Hello, I am experiencing difficulties in deploying our form to generate the survey link, despite multiple attempts. The system repeatedly displays the attached error message (see screenshot). We have validated the form using the online validator, which did not identify any issues.
Hoping you could help us on this.
Thank you.
@epascual Welcome to our community.
Please check your internet connection. It’s showing connection error. If you face any issue, Please share your XLSForm.
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Hello @Kal_Lam,
I have validated the form on ODK’s XLSForm validator and did not find any issues. However, when I try to deploy it on my server, the same problem persists. Can you help him to solve the issues.
@epascual Please knock the @Kal_Lam
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@epascual, feel free to share your XLSForm with the community! The community should be able to help you out.
@epascual, when quickly looking at your XLSForm, I see that you have roughly 700 questions under the survey
tabs …
And 44k choices under your choices
tab …
This is a very large survey form. Such large survey forms will take a lot of the server’s resources and hence are being timed out.
The only solution to your issue is that you split your survey questions into smaller chunks and manage your choices sheet to an external CSV file. Doing so will consume less resources.
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Thank you! That clarifies things. The preview process is much smoother now that I’ve moved a large portion of the choices sheet to an external CSV file. However, I’m still encountering an issue with deployment. The attached error message appears when I attempt to deploy it. I validated the new form using the online validator and it did not find any issues.
@epascual, seems like there is something that is duplicating in your form. Maybe try to search 355061
from within your XLSForm to see if you find anything there.