Unable to deploy without error message

Hi Support Team,

I have created xlsform and checked validation on ODK - XLSForm Online.
That was OK and no problem with the xlsform. Please review my attachment.

But, we can’t deploy the survey. Is there any issue? How to solve this?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,
BIMA - Kobo v3.2.xlsx (146.3 KB)

Hi Support Team,

I have created xlsform and checked validation on ODK - XLSForm Online, I made sure this xlsform does not contain errors. Please review my attachment.

I have tested and validated the xlsform as well. But, I can’t deploy the survey. Is there any issue? How to solve this? Please help.

Thank you in advance.

BIMA - Kobo v3.2.xlsx (146.8 KB)

@arif_1234, I see your XLSForm has nearly 2500 questions under the survey tab. When you have this many questions, the system can time out your request. Hence I would advise you to make your survey question short so that the system does not time out.

Hi @Kal_Lam ,

Thank you for the advice. So I need to separate the survey into some sections.
Is there a maximum limit on the number of questions? I think I have 1346 questions in my survey.

@arif_1234, I think roughly 1350 questions too would be too large when you have a lot of expressions (constraints) in your form.

Thank you for the help @Kal_Lam , it works now, I make the survey into 2 parts.