Unable to deployed XLSform

Please I have used the online validation to check on the XLSform that I have created. The error message I am getting is Error: Unknown question type ‘select_one’

Please I solicit your assistance in this matter. Thank you for your quick response.

Welcome to the community, @smart_gbola123! Maybe you could share your XLSForm with the community. The community should help you solve your issue.

I am sharing ‘data setup kobo toolbox’ with you.pdf (192.0 KB)

@smart_gbola123, could you share your XLSForm instead of sharing your pdf document?

data setup kobo toolbox.xlsx (28.7 KB)
Please find attached is the XLSform.
Thank you.

@smart_gbola123, check row 11. The issue is there. It should be similar to row 17, 18, 20 or 21.

BTW, you should always be able to identify the syntax issues of your XLSForm by validating it against the online validator.

Thank you for quick response and assistance.

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