I’ve read through replies on this forum to a similar question as to the one I have, and have tried the various solutions offered (refreshed browser, used different browser, etc.), but am still unable to download the questionnaire I created using Kobo Form into XLSForm. Please advise.
Welcome @Heath,
Would you mind to have a look at the Help Center article? Getting started with XLSForm — KoboToolbox documentation
@Heath, could you also share a screenshot of how it looks when you try to download your XLSForm? This should also give us a clue about what could have happened with your project.
Thanks for getting back to me! I’ve pasted in a screen shot. When I hover over the three dots, I get the option to “Download XLS”, however, when I select download XLS, nothing happens.
I read through the documentation prior to contacting you. I had been following the directions provided, but that didn’t solve the problem, unfortunately.
@Heath, are you able to clone your project?
I am able to.
Would you mind to try out if the download works after you deployed the form?
That didn’t work either, unfortunately.
Could you deploy the form?
Can you preview the form?
Can you download the Clone of Nepal and other forms?
Which server do you use?
Do you have the form as XLSForm in Excel already? Did you check it with the online validator?
@Heath, if you are able to clone your project, maybe you could clone it and delete the one that is having issues. You could then work with the cloned project (update, deploy/redeploy as needed). You could also download the XLSForm of the cloned project to see if there are any syntax issues by validating them through the online validator.
Thanks, Kal. I’ll try this. Are my assumptions correct: I can create a questionnaire using Kobo Form, and then download that as an XLSForm? I would like to do this because I’d like to share a draft of the questionnaire, once I’ve completed programming it in Kobo Form, with colleagues. In addition, they use RedCap and would like to be able to transfer what I create using Kobo into RedCap. I assume that this would be easiest if they had my questionnaire in XLSForm.
@Heath, I am a bit unaware of RedCap
, but as you said, it’s possible to design a survey form in KoboToolbox formbuilder and then download and share the XLSForm with your colleagues.
Regarding RedCap
, maybe our valued community members could chime in and let you know more about it.