Unable to get shared project on Android

Good morning Dear all,
I hope this message find you well.
I am collecting data and I have some issue with sharing project with my enumerators. I have shared the questionnaire with my enumerators (which I granted access to view and add submissions). The questionnaire appear in the web version of kobo but it is not showing in their kobo collect app (latest version). After several attempts (uninstall/reinstall and updating the sharing), the questionnaire is not still appear when we tried to download form from the app. I want my enumerators use their own account with project that I shared with them (to enable me to control the access). Please, is there any solution for this problem. Thanks and I will appreciate your help.


Welcome to the community, @user202! This post discussed previously should help you solve your issue:

Dear @Kal_Lam,
Thanks for your reply.
I go through the instruction you shared but I still have the issue (there is no form to download even though the project has been shared for the account I want to get the form). But, when I created a new form and deployed from the enumerator account, I can see it in the app and download it. But I want the form being deployed from my own account and being shared with enumerators account (with view and submission enable) so that they can download them in their phone.
Thanks for your help.

@user202, you will also need to check for the add submissions permissions which should be enabled for you to be able to collect data. If this permissions is not being provided you will not be able to make submissions which means you will not be getting the blank forms to the app.