Unable to redeploy a form

unable to deploy

your form cannot be deployed because it contains errors:

Unexpected KoBoCAT error 400: b’{“detail”:“The name column for the 'jb3ho97' choice list contains these duplicates: 'other'. Duplicate names will be impossible to identify in analysis unless a previous value in a cascading select differentiates them. If this is intentional, you can set the allow_choice_duplicates setting to 'yes'. Learn more: XLSForm.org”}’

Hi @kinyagujt_2015,
Please check your choice list, there is a duplicates list and ‘Other’ variable name.

If you unable to solve, share your XLS file with us.

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@kinyagujt_2015, this post discussed previously (as advised by @Bulbulrds) should help you identify syntax issues if any within your form.

You should also be able to identify syntax issues by validating your XLSForm through this online validator.