On one of our forms, is currently not saving when alterations to the submission is made. We are not able to report accurately. It happens intermittently and not on every single submission. When the page inspector is opened, a 404 error appears whenever I am trying to enter information into a free text field
form ID: aFPy69AbJKD89euoJhiSwC
Enhanced Care Management (ECM) Individual Care Plan
@cocoroach17, did you mean you get a 404 error
when trying to edit a submission from your server?
Hello and yes!! I cannot figure out why! It will not save anymore.
@cocoroach17, could you also share with us a screenshot of your issue so that we can understand your issue pictorially?
@cocoroach17, are you the admin of the project or did someone share the project with you?
I am the admin